Jonathan Arnold and his Big Fish Award Big Smallmouth poses with MaKenna Reed.
Submitted by Linda Baker
Bible Faith Family Church
OROVILLE – On June 16th, Bible Faith Family Church hosted their first youth bass tournament of the year on Osoyoos Lake in Oroville. BFFC has been a proud host of these annual events since 2007. Every summer BFFC puts on three youth bass tournaments open to any pair or fishermen (girl or boy) from ages 7-17. The younger ones come with boat captain to help make their fishing experience more enjoyable, and some older teens (who know what they were doing) are in charge of their own boats.
This has been such an exciting event every tournament, every year. We have people coming from as far south as Brewster and fishing the tournament.
During a tournament the adult boat captains aren’t allowed to do anything but drive the boat. All contestants registered in the tournament should be able to reel in the big one. So these fish, smaller ones up to the largest, were caught by young people. This is real fishing!
Thanks to all the sponsors who help make these tournaments a success. If your fisherperson needs a boat captain, please contact BFFC; we would be glad to try and connect you with one. Pass the word around about the great event: the more the merrier.
Tournament Results
7-9 year old:
1st place – Darbey Carlton & Davana Baugher
2nd place – Braden Gould & Malachi Studard
10-13 year old:
1st Place – Douglas Viebrock and Lane Webster
2nd Place – Jonathan Arnold and MaKenna Reed
3rd place – Monty Rojas and Brandon Baugher
14-17 year old:
1st Place – Shaelynn DeWitte and Sadie Rojas
2nd Place – Kacey DeWitte and Juan Garcia
The Big Fish Awards go to Jonathon Arnold for Big Smallmouth Bass weighing in at 6.31 pounds and Seth Baugher for Big Largemouth weighing in at 6.54 pounds.
The 2nd event of the year will be held on Spectacle Lake on Saturday, July 14. Our last tournament of the year will be on August 11 at Palmer Lake. Registration for all tournaments are at 7 a.m. Blast off usually will be 7:30 and we fish until 12:00 – 12:30, depending on blast off. Hope to see you there.