Photo by Emily HansonJace Berg from Colville riding Frostbite in the Open Bull Riding Event at the Tonasket Rodeo Grounds on Friday, Aug. 28. Berg took first place in the event with 144 points on two bulls. He was the only rider to ride both his bulls, ri
TONASKET – The Bulls and Barrels Event at the Tonasket Rodeo Grounds was a success last week, with 16 bull riders coming out with 48 barrel riders.
“I had a lot of positive feedback, it went great,” Trampus Stucker, event organizer, said. “It should definitely go next year, that’s the plan, anyway.”
Stucker said there was only one serious injury. Austin Covington from Omak was injured in the Open Bull Riding division on a bull named Tuff Stuff.
“He is recovering from surgery on his face in order to re-set all his teeth in the front,” Stucker said. “His jaw will be wired shut for six weeks. We would like to wish him a speedy recovery and we look forward to seeing many more good bull rides in the future.”
In the Junior Boys Bull Riding division, Chase Nigg from Oroville took first place with a 67 on Buffalo Bob. In the Senior Boys Bull Riding division, Kody Ayers from Tonasket took first place with a 70 on Bubba while Covington took second place with a 68 on Jersey Boy.
In the Open Bull Riding division, Jace Berg from Oroville took first place with 144 points on two head. Stucker said Berg was the only rider to ride both his bulls: Frostbite and Porky At Heart. Kolt Kartchner from Danville, Wash. took second place in the division with a 67 point ride on Erkle’s Little Heartbreaker.
For the Bull Classic Competition, Stucker said people who raise bucking bull paid an entry fee to enter their bull and see if it was best.
“The bull is scored by the judges even if the cowboy bucks off,” he added. “The bull with the highest combined score from the judges wins.”
In first place was Git, owned by Lennie Holden. In second place was Red Eyes, also owned by the Holdens and in third place was Black Magic, owned by Bob Johnson. Stucker said first place in each event were presented with buckles which were sponsored by the community.
In the Youth Barrels division, for children 17 and under as of Jan. 1, 2009, there were four divisions. In the first division, Cayden Diefenbach took first place on Mercedes with a 17.601, winning $135 while Hanna Bayha took second place on Jet with a time of 17.951. No one placed in the second division.
In the third division, Montanah Taylor took first place on Meg with a time of 18.754, winning $90, while Diefenbach took second place on Dottie with a time of 18.758, Lyndsey Nelson took third place on Libby with a time of 19.006 and Randi Rae Sam took fourth place on Deb with a time of 19.352.
In the fourth division, Mariah Kartchner took first place on Jinx with a time of 19.929, winning $75, while Jeriann Ashley took second place on Sugar with a time of 20.413, Jules Largent took third place on Tim with a time of 20.482 and Jodi Nelson took fourth place on Cheyene with a time of 23.893.
The Open Barrels Event also had four divisions. In the first division, Lacey Ralston took first place on Rambo with a time of 17.003, winning $372.40 while Nick Popelier took second place on Molly with a time of 17.375, winning $223.44 and Linnea Cappos took third place on Chopaka Gator with a time of 17.430, winning $148.96.
In the second division, Diefenbach took first place on Mercedes with a time of 17.601, winning $319.20, Brandy Nicholas took third place on Misty with a time of 17.772, winning $191.52 and Rosalyn Ray took third place on Silk with a time of 17.885, winning $127.68.
In the third division, Dennece Ralston took first place on Hancock with a time of 18.066, winning $212.80, Laura Sanders took second place on Marlin with a time of 18.219, winning $127.68 and Nelson third place on Libby with a time of 18.246, winning $85.12.
Finally, in the fourth division, Dottie Marchand took first place on Smokin’ Rain with a time of 19.040, winning $159.60, Jackie Widmer took second place on Migo with a time of 19.173, winning $95.76 and Rae Sam took third place on Deb with a time of 19.320, winning $63.84.
“I would personally like to thank announcer Don Henderson, bull fighters Michael Lesley and Blain Covington and the bull wranglers Harry Lesley and Rod Stucker,” Stucker said.
He said he’d also like to thank Tonasket Rodeo Queen Kelsey Gallas for the Grand Entry, main office workers Bev McDaniel, Trinity Stucker and Sara Richey, the clown, Budley McSpadden, Ray and Rhonda Colbert for organizing the Barrel Racing, Coors and the Tonasket Eagles for the Beer Garden and Pam Stansbury and the Tonasket Comancheros for concessions. Stucker said he wanted to thank the stock contractors C and C, Michael Lesley Bucking Bulls and T-N-T Bucking Bulls as well as thanking the Okanogan Farm Bureau/Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee, all the local sponsors and Roger Sawyer and Ray Colbert for preparing the rodeo grounds.
“And I want to say a ‘thank you’ to all the rest of the volunteers,” Stucker said. “Without them, this would never have been possible.”