Sheriff’s Office will not take enforcement action based on immigration status

Sheriff Paul Budrow says his office will not take law enforcement action based solely on a person’s immigration or alien status.

OKANOGAN – Okanogan County Sheriff Paul Budrow issued a recent statement saying his office will not take law enforcement action based solely on a person’s immigration or alien status.

“In recent weeks, I and other Washington Sheriffs have been asked about our plans regarding anticipated changes in federal immigration enforcement. Some concerned citizens want sheriffs to cooperate in projected efforts to enforce federal immigration laws: others want us to take a stand against such efforts,” writes Sheriff Budrow, in a recent post to his office’s Facebook page.

“I have been a law enforcement officer for over 40 years and have never conducted immigration enforcement,” the sheriff said.

Budrow went on to explain that deportation, immigration and federal law enforcement issues fall under the jurisdiction of the federal courts and are not a part of his elected office or sworn duty.

“To my knowledge, Washington State and or the county courts have never addressed immigration issues; they address criminal acts of persons regardless of immigration status. This is how I have interpreted and enforced the law and will continue to do so,” said the sheriff.

He went on to explain that the Sheriff’s Office has always collaborated with the Federal Law Enforcement Agencies to protect the safety of our community and law enforcement officers and will continue to support these efforts when requested.

“Typically, our role is limited to standing by while federal agencies conduct operations or participating in Task Forces established in partnership with federal law enforcement. These cooperative actions are always and exclusively related to crimes,” he said.

“To be clear: Okanogan County Sheriff’s Office will not take enforcement action based on immigration or alien status. A person’s immigration status should not and will not be allowed to impede the investigation of crimes in which they may be involved. I say this though regrettably aware that some Washington State laws intend to shield immigration violators from federal enforcement have exactly this effect,” said Budrow.

He went on to write that his office will not impede federal authorities from conducting lawful operations and, if federal officers are believed to be in danger, the department will work to ensure both their safety and the communities.

“The first duty and mission of this office is to protect people from crime. We will pursue that duty, prosecuting and protecting all persons without bias, whether they are citizens, lawful resident aliens, or violators of federal immigration law,” concluded Sheriff Budrow.

The sheriff’s statements garnered statements both in favor of what he wrote and against. Many thanked him for the clarification, while one commenter suggested he “remove himself from office.”
