Oct. 1950 – Dec 2012: Writing this obituary has not been an easy task. You would think after 35 years of marriage I would know just what to say, however, putting pen to paper makes it difficult to know just where to begin.
I would like to start off with thanking those of you for the cards, flowers, phone calls and just stopping by to express your condolences, it was greatly appreciated.
Neil was a private man, however, he enjoyed many things life had to offer and until the end of his life he always had dreams that needed to be fulfilled.
Here is a small outline of Neil’s background. Born in Vancouver, B.C. and was the only child of Percy and Phyllis Cuff. He attended school in Vancouver and completed university at UBCV faculty of Physical Education.
Neil started coming to Oroville in the mid-60’s so was no stranger to this area. He had fond memories of coming with his best friend and became like the fourth child of his friend’s family. Camping started at the State Park and then ended up on the east side of the lake once the family purchased a lake front lot. Water skiing an fishing were highlights and due to the daily overuse of the boat it soon became evident that Neil had mechanical talents as he was the kid who could fix just about anything.
Neil was blessed with an abundance of talents. His intellect offered him the gift of being anything he wanted to be but he chose a lifestyle that was just plain and simple. His kids would always say he was the most brilliant dumb guy they had ever met!
Many of you were aware of his love of cars – he had dreams of finishing his collection. He always enjoyed talking to those who shared the same love of restoring the old classics and he most enjoyed teasing many of you about what you had in your garage.
Cooking was also a passion, hard to believe, but he was a very accomplished cook. Every night was a new dish and when asked how did you make this he would torment me by saying “it’s a secret.”
Neil’s gift with kids was easy to recognize. He loved knowing his children’s friends and always had time for them in whatever they needed. Coaching sports started with a baseball tam in Oroville, taking kids who know very little about the sport and turning them around to be a force to recon with. Neil took over coaching the Premier League in Penticton and was honor to lad many teams into the B.C. Provincials.
The most important and biggest highlights for Neil were his children. He was a terrific and loving Dad, his kids came first in his life and he was always there for them in good and bad. He has supplied them with many life long examples of what a loving parent is and should be and it will now be there turn to pass on his legacy to their children. Their sorrow is deep as they were very close to their Dad and will miss him dearly and no one will ever fill those big shoes with the love and generosity he expressed daily.
In closing, I know Neil made an impact on life and those around him and for that I am very proud. He felt we were all placed here for a purpose and to make our lives count and to live in God’s word.
Neil’s passing has made us sad, however he has moved on and we know for a fact that he is happy and very content in his new life.
So when you see a restored old classic car, one from the 60’s, drive by just make sure you give it a glance to see who is behind the wheel.
Thanks again to all of you who shared his humor, wit and friendship. With love, Lynn and family.