Lucille Claretta Hogenson
Lucille Claretta (Young) Hogenson went to meet Jesus on June 23, 2010. She was born on April 26, 1917 in Oroville to Mark and Leuretta (Bentley) Sawtells. 
She was married in Oroville to Eugene Clifford “Cliff” Webb in 1936. She and Cliff had three children – DeloraLee, Carmel and Mark.
She was preceded in death by her husband Arthur “Dutch” Hogenson, her daughter DeloraLee “Dee” Tindall and brothers Lester and Alden Sawtells. She leaves behind two loving children, Carmel Chandler with husband Doug of Portland, OR and Mark Webb Sr. with wife Linda of Rochester, Wash. She also leaves behind her sister Gladys Bolton who resides at the Tacoma Lutheran Nursing Home where Lucille lived for the past year after sustaining a stroke. 
She left for posterity 10 grandchildren, 32 great-grandchildren and six great-great-grandchildren. She loved them all dearly and they in turn were very attentive to her with visits, cards, pictures and letters. ”Dee’s” children are: Ann Coats, Ruth Drewer, Karen Tindall and Paul Tindall. Carmel’s children are: Debbie Laga, Donna Norris, Dianne Critchfield and Darleen Speirs.  Mark’s children are Mark Webb Jr. and Aaron Webb.
Lucille (Young) worked in childcare in Reno, Nevada for 28 years. Those children and their parents were very special to her and she kept in touch with many of them for years. 
Lucille married “Dutch” Hogenson in April 1990 and they had 11 happy years together. They were both very involved in their church and at the Auburn Senior Center where Lucille was a volunteer for 20 years. 
Lucille loved everyone. She wrote wonderful letters, remembered everyone’s birthday with cards and money and collected hundreds of pictures of family and friends. She was a wonderful mother, grandmother, sister, friend and daughter of God. Her testimony was strong, and her prayer list for others was long. Many who loved her and who felt her love for them will miss her. 
A memorial service will be held for Lucille on July 10, 2010 at 5 p.m. at the Auburn Church of the Nazarene 1225 29th Street SE, Auburn, Wash. 98002.