SR 20 remains closed between mileposts 134 and 171 but the spring reopening work started Monday, April 10.
Clearing work may take as many as 8 weeks which would be the latest since 1974’s June 14 reopening.
During the clearing, pedestrians (skiers) & bicyclists are prohibited Monday through Thursday, but allowed past the gates Friday through Sunday.
TWISP – North Cascades Highway is still closed to vehicles between milepost 134 and 171. Crews are actively working Monday – Thursday to reopen this stretch of the NCH for the season, according to the Washington State Department of Transportation.
The area between the gates is closed to everyone during the work week but is open for cyclists, hikers and backpackers Friday through Sunday.
This weekend’s forecast says Friday night to Saturday morning, expect cold and snow, but then it warms up.
Week one of the clearing saw the west side crew within ten miles of Rainy Pass. On the east side, crews cleared 12 miles from Early Winters information center past Lone Fir campground to Cutthroat Ridge where the avalanche zone begins.
RA rock slide has SR 20 closed at milepost 121 near Newhalem to everyone except local traffic. There is no ETA for reopening this stretch – that leads up to the western winter closure gate – for the rest of the traveling public.
WSDOT crews are blasting rocks too big to move blocking SR 20 at milepost 124 east of Newhalem.
One lane opened Thursday afternoon, April 13, to local traffic only, but another slide closed the road a few hours later at MP 121. The winter closure gate at Diablo, MP 134, will remain closed until the spring reopening of the entire highway.
North Cascades Paving Project
When is the Big Question in Winthrop
Engineering and maintenance staff were invited to the Red Barn in Winthrop Thursday to bring the community the latest plans and schedules for the paving project through town, the reopening of the North Cascades Highway and the emergency work on SR 20 and SR 153. In order:
- The paving project’s first step is the concrete ADA ramps – preliminary work is set to start April 24. Paving start date is May 15 and hope to to finish by Memorial Day.
- The NCH reopening is likely 8 weeks away.
- The emergency work on the SR 20 washout started today.
- Work to keep SR 153 open continues daily.