TSD board meeting focuses on enhancing educational outcomes, ensuring fiscal responsibility

School board meeting marked by discussions focused on enhancing educational outcomes and ensuring fiscal responsibility

TONASKET- The latest Tonasket school board meeting was held Tuesday, Nov. 26. The meeting was marked by discussions focused on enhancing educational outcomes and ensuring fiscal responsibility, the meeting concluded with all agenda items receiving full approval.

During the school board meeting, the financial report was presented by Bobbi Catone, Business Manager, offering a comprehensive overview of the district’s current fiscal health. The report highlighted a balanced budget, with revenues and expenditures aligning closely with projections for the year.

“We spent over $20 million in expenditures last year but what is a really important piece to know is that the largest pieces of the pie, all add up to 79 percent of the expenditures, which is all of our salaries and benefits for our staff,” said Catone.

Superintendent Kevin Young said in the past, school districts were not supposed to go over 80 percent for salaries and benefits if they were being fiscally responsible.

“This weekend at the WASDA Conference, I heard two different school business managers use 85 percent. We don’t want to get to 85 percent.”

Catone added, “Eighty is a good goal.”

The consent agenda was approved which included confirmation of the previous board meeting minutes, approval of general fund warrants, personnel, bus purchases, Drama Club and monetary donation.

Elementary School Principal Lilly Martin was excited to report lots of fun events are ahead during the holiday season.

“On Friday, Dec, 13, we will be doing a school wide sing-along. So, if caroling is something you enjoy, stop by. It’s always fun. I enjoy it. We will have a whole gym full of people singing Christmas carols,” said Martin.

Other TSD staff members gave brief reports for the board. Tonasket Middle School Principal, Trisha Roach reminded the board, one third of the school year has already passed.

“Shout out to our high school shop kids for making the signage for the front of our schools and the maintenance people for installing those signs and the new metal. It just looks so good,” said Roach.

Young informed the board that beginning in January he would like to implement a practice he learned about during the Washington Association of School District Administrators (WASDA) Conference.

“They give out school board awards to students. I’m thinking about two to three every month,” said Young.

Young said students can be nominated for their academics, improvements, and citizenship.

“I will send out some specifics,” said Young. “I think it’s an opportunity to get students here and their parents and recognize kids for doing good stuff.”

Young said he doesn’t think attending the WASDA Conference next year is necessary.

“Just go every other year to Spokane. Mostly because of the enrollment and money issues. I’m just throwing this out there now but we don’t have to have to decide. It’s also in Seattle next year,” said Young.

Young briefly addressed a need to be “more prudent” with overnight stays during away sports games.

Young gave the board information regarding the first reading of 1st 2415 BP Performance-Based Pathway for High School Graduation.

The Tonasket School District offers multiple pathway options, including a performance-based pathway for high school graduation. They are committed to providing graduation pathways that are student-focused, adaptable, rigorous, and meaningful ways for students to demonstrate appropriate readiness in support of their individualized career and college goals.

The performance-based pathway includes the following components: Proposal created by the student, or a learning contract for a performance-based pathway opportunity developed by a school or the district, student learning experience, product created by the student based on the learning experience that must demonstrate that the student has met learning standards in English Language, Arts, or math. An evaluation will be given of the student product, performed locally, involving at least one teacher endorsed in the relevant subject area using state-developed proficiency targets and associated rubrics.

The board unanimously approved second reading of 2410 BP High School Graduation Requirements, 3205 BP Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment Prohibited NEW, 3241 BP Student Discipline NEW, 3246 BP Restraint Isolation and Other Uses of Reasonable Force, 3432 BP Emergencies, 4130 BP Title I Parental Involvement, 5011 BP Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment of District Staff Prohibited, and 6220 BP Bid or Request for Proposal Requirements.

Typically the school board meets on the last Wednesday of the month.