2009 Oroville May Festival Royalty candidates Kayla McKinney, Serena Carper and Rachel Peters. Photos by Gary DeVon
OROVILLE  – Three young ladies, Serena Carper, Rachel Peters and Kayla McKinney, are asking the Oroville community’s consideration to serve as this year’s May Festival Queen and Princesses.
The three girls, all juniors at Oroville High School, will represent the community not only during May Festival, the second weekend in May, but at other events throughout the region. Selection night this year will be held on Monday, Jan. 19 at the Oroville High School Commons beginning at 7 p.m. All ballots for the royal court will be cast by community members and students at the selection night, so those wishing to vote must be in attendance. 
The royalty candidates have written short biographies to help introduce themselves to the community and to share their thoughts on why they want to represent Oroville at May Festival and at other events. Their introductions follow:
Serena Carper
My name is Serena Carper. I am running for May Festival Queen. My parents are Gaius Carper of Oroville and Teresa Crane of Kelowna, B.C. I have lived in Oroville my whole life (17 years). 
Some activities I have participated in are O-Club, Honors Society, I was the president of our Sophomore class, I helped at WASC make backpacks for homeless children and have been involved in basketball, volleyball and softball. 
Growing up I always looked forward to May Day. I was in the parade every year whether I was riding in a fire truck, skipping with the Maypole girls or riding in a car for class royalty. I would be honored to be your 2009 May Festival Queen. Looking back I always remember looking up to the past queens as I watched them sit at the lawn ceremony. After I graduate I plan to go to a four year college and get a degree in business.
Rachel Peters
Hi, my name is Rachel Peters and it is an honor for me to participate in Oroville’s 75th Annual May Festival celebrations. I am a 17-year-old junior at Oroville High School. I was born at North Valley Hospital and have lived near Oroville all my life. My parents are Laara Peters and Stephen (Thomas) Kessler. I have an older brother, David and two younger sisters, Naomi and Kali.
I absolutely love sports and being involved in school and community activities. While maintaining Honor Roll grades I have received athletic awards for cross country, soccer, track and field and basketball. I am the President of our junior class and Secretary for High School ASB. Apart from school I am an active member and student supervisor for the U.S. Border Patrol Explorer Unit post 0023. As a member of Explorers I have helped out with numerous charities such as Shop with a Cop and food and coat drives.
After I graduate I plan to attend a two-year Junior College then transfer to a four year university. My interests and goals in life are many. I plan to earn a degree in Business/Management. I’m also interested in Design, Engineering, Fitness and I like helping people too, so I’m thinking about EMT/Paramedic.
I am so glad that I grew up here. Oroville is such a great place to live. Being selected as Oroville’s May Festival Queen would be a great experience. It would be a privilege to represent our city as a good will ambassador during May Festival and at function throughout Okanogan County and in Canada. I wish my good friends, Kayla McKinney and Serena Carper, the best of luck on Selection Night.
Kayla McKinney
My name is Kayla McKinney and I am running for Oroville’s 75th May Festival Queen. My parents are Rich and Erin McKinney and I have lived in Oroville my whole life. 
Being active in various activities such as volleyball, basketball, softball and track is something I enjoy greatly. Some of the offices I currently hold in Oroville High School include being president of the Photography Club, junior class Vice President and ASB Treasurer. I have been involved in many community activities such as girl scouts, 4-H, youth group, youth softball, AAU basketball, and helping with little dribbler’s basketball. I have also participated in helping build Oroville’s Centennial Gazebo and the baseball and softball dugouts. Oroville offers many activities all year round such as swimming, horseback riding, hunting, camping, hiking, boating and snowmobiling, all of which I enjoy. When I am not busy with school or any other activities I could be found working at Java Junkie making mochas.
It would be a great honor to be May Festival Queen because I would enjoy going to other towns, making new friends, and meeting new people. Oroville is my hometown and it is a part of who I am, and I want to share with other communities, what a hidden treasure Oroville really is.
After graduating from high school, I want to go to college and then transfer to a university where I would study sports medicine/athletic training and minor in small business and accounting and eventually open my own facility.