OROVILLE – Oroville School District Superintendent Steve Quick is scheduled to speak at the next Oroville Chamber of Commerce meeting today, Thursday, Nov. 8 at Trino’s Restaurant at 1 p.m.
Supt. Quick will talk about the upcoming Maintenance and Operations Levy and potential funding ideas for facilities improvements both in the near and long term. The current levy ends in 2012, so voters will be asked to approve a new two-year M&O Levy in 2012 for collection in fiscal years 2013 and 2014. A recent facilities survey has been conducted showing an urgent need for roof repairs in the near term with other improvements needed, especially for the elementary school, in the longer term.
In addition to the meeting’s speaker, members will be asked for nominations for next year’s officers and board members. All chamber members are eligible to submit their own or another member’s name for nomination. If the member accepts the candidates will be voted on at a future meeting. Positions open include president, vice-president, treasurer and secretary, although the current secretary, Tina Mikesell and treasurer, Peggy Shaw, have volunteered to serve another term if asked.