OROVILLE – After returning from executive session to evaluate Superintendent Steve Quick, the Oroville School Board announced they would be renewing his contract for a three-year term.
“I move to approve Mr. Quick’s three-year contract as written,” said School Director Amy Wise at the board’s meeting Tuesday, Jan. 29.
The renewal includes an increase in pay of $2,000 each of the next three years.
“He will get $100,000 the first year, $102,000 the next and $104,000 the next. That still leaves him as the second lowest paid superintendent in the region,” said board chairman Rocky DeVon.
High School Principal Kristin Sarmiento told the board that the school was focusing on TPAP (Teacher/Principal Assessment Program).
“Truly it’s going to benefit everyone,” said Sarmiento.
She also reported on the Martin Luther King Jr. Assembly that was organized as one of her student’s Senior Project.
“We had Tony Chavez, grandson of Cesar Chavez and he talked about his grandfather’s legacy. It was a very positive opportunity,” she said.
In her report to the board, Elementary Principal Joan Hoehn said this year’s Principal’s Challenge will be asking the students to read 6500 books and to pass a test on each at 80 percent. The challenge this year is named “Raising the Roof” in regards to the new roof that will be put on the building this summer.
Hoehn said that the fifth grade, which is raising salmon eggs, has small salmon swimming around.
She also reported on the new safety procedures in front of the building.
“It has greatly reduced the number of people freely coming into the building,” she said.
About the new pick up area Hoehn said, “Some people have been making U-turns, but it’s getting better. Actually we’ve fixed a lot of the little things that we had not realized were a problem.”