OKANOGAN – Okanogan County Public Health, (OCPH) is reporting a pediatric death due to complications of Influenza B. This is the first flu-related death reported in Okanogan County of the 2019-2020 season and the fifth pediatric death in Washington State this flu season.
According to OCPH Community Health Director, Lauri Jones, “The flu strain currently circulating in our county and over the last several weeks is predominantly Influenza B, which has particularly hit our young people hard. We are deeply saddened for the family and their loss.”
OCPH encourages people to check out Washington State Department of Health’s flu page for information at: www.knockoutflu.org. The flu shot is still our best protection against the virus, and we encourage you to protect yourself and people around you by getting your flu shot.
OCPH also reminds people that the flu virus is spread by droplets that carry the virus when people with the flu cough, sneeze, or talk. These droplets can infect you directly or through contact with contaminated surfaces or objects. Make sure you wash your hands often with soap or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, cover your cough or sneeze and stay home if you’re sick.