Troupe Masarrat dancing at “Join Me at the Bridge” in 2010.
OROVILLE – On Thursday, March 8th, at 3 p.m., community members from the United States and Canada will meet at the Canada/U.S. border crossing on the Oroville side, to help create a peace banner representing our two cities and our two countries.
The “Join Me On the Bridge” event honors the resilience of millions of women survivors of war around the world. Community members from Oroville, Osoyoos and the surrounding areas will stand with women across the globe to give them strength and to show support for their demands for peace and equality. This is a global event with women and men meeting on bridges around the world to stand for peace on International Women’s Day, organized by by Women for Women International. To see where others are meeting this year across the globe, visit http://joinmeonthebridge.org/page/event-map.
For the past two years, this event has been spearheaded by Ellie Braman. She had the idea to bring local people together, from both sides of the border, toward the common goal of peace and equality for all — and she made the event happen. Braman is greatly missed in our communities and attending this event is an exceptional way to carry forward her enthusiasm and love for others.
Stand with women on March 8th to build bridges of peace and hope for the future. Women and men are equally invited to attend. RSVP & more info: joinmeonthebridge.org/events/oroville . Send email inquiries to: jashmore@communitynet.org.