“USA beef should mean something to consumers. It certainly means something to the cowboys and ranchers who are producing it”
Rep. Joel Kretz (7th District)
Legislation to give consumers more information on where their beef products are born and raised

OLYMPIA – House Bill 2712, sponsored by Rep. Joel Kretz, R-Wauconda, would require retailers to post a sign in the immediate vicinity to let consumers know they are purchasing “USA beef.” To qualify for the USA beef label, the beef must be derived exclusively from animals born, raised and processed in Washington state. Alternatively, the same beef could be labeled as “Washington beef.”
“This is a truth in labeling bill,” said Kretz. “Consumers want more information. They want to know where their food comes from and they want to know its quality. The farm to table concept is something we live every day in most rural parts of the state. I’m glad it’s catching on in other, more urban areas, too.”
Kretz said that defining USA beef and distinguishing it from other imported products is important because USA beef has more quality controls and is a far superior product.
“We raise and produce the best beef in the world,” said Kretz. “It’s something we should be proud of and something that consumers will pay for. We need to get away from this practice of calling something USA beef just because it’s processed or packaged here. Beef that’s raised in South America and other parts of the world just don’t have the same standards and quality controls that we do.
“USA beef should mean something to consumers. It certainly means something to the cowboys and ranchers who are producing it,” said Kretz.
House Bill 2712 now goes to the Senate for further consideration.
The 60-day 2020 legislative session ends March 12.