Helping victims and survivors of Domestic Violence

OMAK — The Support Center will be presenting Safety Planning 101 classes for victims and survivors of domestic violence on a regular basis beginning Sept. 6, 2022.

The class will take place the first Tuesday of every month from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. and the center requests referrals or interested parties contact them by phone or in person to register for the class. This class is for adult men and women of all ages who are or have ever been a victim/survivor of domestic violence, it does not have to be a current case in order to attend this class.

This new class will provide clients with safety planning knowledge that they can utilize in their lives to anticipate and keep themselves as safe as possible as well as provide them with tools to recognize abusive behaviors before they happen, especially in the event they decide to stay with their abusive partner or perhaps they are starting new relationships.

This class consists of videos, hands on activities, and group interaction; all participants will leave the class with our safety plan handbook, a five-page safety plan catered to their lives, and most importantly the knowledge they need to make informed choice and the ability to recognize abusive behaviors, not only in their partners but in themselves as well. We will also present all participants with a certificate of completion.

Sometimes survivors who have become victimized again in a new relationship may need to come for a refresher course, so the center does not limit the number of times the class can be taken.

“We encourage anyone who feels they need to take it a second or third time to do so if they choose,” writes Brandi Belgarde in a press release.

The Support Center has always done safety planning with clients on individual basis as requested and it consisted of four to six weekly sessions.

“It was good for those who came back and took the efforts to finish the sessions, but many do not. We consistently got request for quicker sessions and a way to get it done quicker but schedules did not always allow for it,” writes Belgarde. “We are hoping with this one-day crash course in safety planning, we can ensure all those who need and want safety planning can get it done in one sitting and not feel like it is another barrier in their lives. it also ensures that all participants are getting the same information consistently.”

If you or someone you know want to attend one of our classes, please have them contact Belgarde at 509-826-3221 or by email Belgarde says she can help them get started. They also have a brochure that can be shared, if you would like some, please let her know and the Support Center will get them to you as soon as possible.
