OKANOGAN – The Okanogan County Commissioners have voted to retain the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune and the Methow Valley News as their official paper of record, publishing their legal notices each week.
The Gazette-Tribune (G-T) and Methow Valley New’s (MVN) current contract expires on June 30, 2023 and the new contract is for July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.
In making their decision, the commissioners used a comparison of how much it would cost to advertise in the G-T/MVN, versus the other bidder for the contract, the Omak Chronicle.
“Have the bidders met the requirements?” asked Commissioner Hover.
“Yes, everybody met all the requirements of the bid,” said Lanie Johns, Clerk of the Board.
The bid proposal made by the Gazette-Tribune and Methow Valley News was at a rate of $4.50 per column inch.
“Based on the bid comparison I would move that the Gazette-Tribune and the Methow Valley News be awarded the contract for 2023-2024,” said Commissioner Hover.
Commissioner Jon Neal seconded the motion.
“I gather your move to approve the Gazette-Tribune slash Methow Valley News was based on our review of both proposals?” Board Chairman Chris Branch asked Hover before calling for a vote.
The motion passed unanimously and the two newspapers will continue to publish the county legal advertising, like calls for bid, public hearing notices and foreclosures for another year, both in print and online.