Free spay and neuter, vaccinations and microchipping to local dogs and cats

Greater Good Charities collaborates for a second time with TOAR to offer free spay and neuter clinics for dogs (owned) and cats.

SEATTLE – Greater Good Charities collaborates for a second time with Team Okanogan Animal Rescue (TOAR) to offer free high-quality, high-volume (HQHV) spay and neuter clinics for dogs (owned) and cats (owned and free-roaming) to communities in and around Okanogan County. Animals receiving surgery are also eligible for free vaccinations and microchips.

“Our Good Fix clinics aim to keep community animal populations healthier, reduce shelter intake, and relieve the burden on animal shelters to euthanize unwanted pets,” said Dr. Ruth Parkin, Medical Director for Greater Good Charities. “During the first round of Good Fix clinics held in May, more than 1,000 dogs and cats were sterilized over a four-day period. Through these multiple clinics held in Okanogan County, we will sterilize thousands of dogs and cats to help prevent unwanted litters across the area and humanely minimize the free-roaming populations over time.”

The upcoming Good Fix clinics will be held from Oct. 14-17 at the Okanogan County Fairgrounds. Registration and drop off: Begins at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 10 a.m. or until capacity is filled.
