Cows graze on a bit of dry land surrounded by the flood waters of the Okanogan between Oroville and Tonasket last Thursday afternoon. Photo by Brent Baker
SPOKANE – The National Weather Service has issued a flood warning for the Okanogan River which continues until late Saturday night.
The Okanogan River near Tonasket reached the 15 foot flood stage and was 15.01 feet as of 7:15 a.m. Friday morning. Minor flooding is forecast and the river is expected to continue rising to near 15.3 feet by late Friday afternoon.
Cooler temperatures over the region have slowed the snowmelt, however, the Okanogan is expected to ramin in minor flood stage for at least part of the weekend. The river is expected to fall below flood stage by tomorrow, Saturday, May 19. At 15 feet, minor flooding of low-lying areas is likely between Oroville and Tonasket.
The National Weather Services advises people to be aware of large debris in the river. High water levels can push logs and other large debris into the river, increasing the danger to people and boats. Never drive cars, trucks or sports utility vehicles through flooded areas, the water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. As little as one foot of water on the road can move most vehicles off the road, says the NWS.