Dean Scott, a Tiger Dad and builder of the new Pinewood Derby Track lets the racers fly in the derby which took place at the American Legion Hall on Tuesday, Jan. 2. Photo by Gary DeVon
OROVILLE – The Oroville American Legion Hall rang with the sounds of excited racers and race fans participated in Scout Pack 23’s annual Pinewood Derby.
The event took place on Tuesday, Jan. 25 and 23 Cub Scouts, ages seven to 11, three siblings and five Scout dads raced on Pack 23’s brand new Pinewood Derby Track built by Tiger Den Leader and Scout Dad Dean Scott.
There were four races leading up to the Pack 23 Championship Race, which was won by Colby Guzman, followed by Trace Scott in second and Hunter DeVon in third. Scott was the winner among the Tiger Scouts, followed by Noah Hilderbrand in second and Kolo Moser in third. For the Wolves, Michael Oaks was first, Odin Finsen second and Sean Glover third. Guzman was first for the Bears, followed by Brayden Thompson in second and Darien Range in Third. DeVon took first for the Webelos, with Nathan Rise in second and Nick Clase in third.