OMAK – The Economic Alliance Infrastructure Committee announced that they are now accepting applications for the 2018 .09 Prioritization process for Economic Development/Public Facility Projects within Okanogan County.
The Public Facilities Fund (.09 Sales and Use Tax rebate) is allocated for rural communities and eligible entities are limited to incorporated cities and tribes within Okanogan County.
The Economic Alliance coordinates the application and review process and provides the Okanogan County Commissioners with a single prioritized master list of economic and community development projects. The application is available to download from the Economic
Alliance website at
Here are the critical dates:
- Oct. 9, 2017 – Informational Press Release and Memo to eligible communities
- Oct. 31, 2017 – 5pm Deadline for .09 applications
- Nov. 1, 2017 – Dissemination of applications to EA Infrastructure Committee
- Nov. 9, 2017 – Community Presentations to EA Infrastructure Committee at location TBD
Scoring and ranking of projects done by Committee immediately after presentations
Shortly thereafter, the Committee Chair and EA ED will present project priority list to EA Exec Committee for approval and advance to County Commissioners for their approval
For additional information, contact the Economic Alliance at 509-826-5107.