Pray NVH saves nursing home

Dear Editor,

My name is Jin Ming Ma. Currently I am serving Coupeville United Methodist Church as a pastor. I lived in Oroville for seven years, and I know the North Valley Hospital Nursing Home is a wonderful, care facility and a community of love and support for the families of its residents. It presents a sense of harmony and sincere regard that is apparent to all who spend time there.

It would be devastating to lose this facility.

I am from China, where no support systems exist for elders, except their own families. If they are without a family they suffer horribly. If they do have families, those sons, daughters and grandchildren are burdened with their care, without any monetary or humanitarian support to assist them.

In this country we are blessed with a system that supports and nurtures the quality of life of our elders. We are responsible for keeping the facilities open that care for our loved ones.

I believe that we are very good at supporting worldwide ministries that care for those who cannot care for themselves. Our elders here at home deserve the same attention and support. North Valley hospital has a responsibility for seeking out and finding the funds to keep their care facilities open. They should be aggressively reaching out to the community for a funding source.

I witnessed a wonderful service for elders in this facility when I was a pastor at Oroville United Methodist Church from 1999 to 2006. I pray that North Valley Hospital will take the proper road to finding an answer so that elders in the community do not suffer the consequences.


Jin Ming Ma

Coupeville, Washington