Open letter to Gov. Romney

Dear Editor,

As someone who receives Social Security – is on Medicare – and the recipient of government funding that allowed me to finish not only my Bachelors Degree but also my Masters – I have a concern.

Based on your recent recorded remarks it would seem you find me to be part of an irresponsible group of Americans (almost one-half of us according to you) who are lazy. Who take no responsibility for our own lives but expect our fellow citizens to provide a monthly check we feel “entitled” to even though (as you claim) we have done nothing to earn.

Let me start with Social Security and Medicare. I started to work when I was 16-years-old. Going to work at that age may be a hard concept for the son of a multimillionaire to grasp! Until I retired out of each one of my paychecks I paid for Social Security and Medicare. I PAID! These were not “entitlements” but insurance programs run by the U.S. Government.

Since most of your income comes from Capital Gains and not wages from a real job perhaps you are unaware most Americans pay for these plans on all wages up to $106,000 a year. And Mr. Romney even though you think “middle class” income is $250,000 – in fact the average American makes just $52,000 a year!

As for my education – also paid largely for by the United States Government – paid for because while you were hiding out in France and dodging the draft I was in Southeast Asia serving in the United States Air Force. So my education was not an entitlement but “paid for” – paid for with four years of my life serving my country.

I can’t help but notice as you wrap yourself in your country’s flag proclaiming patriotism and saber rattling for war that not only did you fail to first wrap yourself as a young man in your country’s uniform, but neither have any of your apparently healthy five sons.

Actually the only entitlement in this campaign seems to be one you feel… That is; To be President because you are rich and you believe you’re entitled to it.

William F. Johnston


Dear Editor,As someone who receives Social Security – is on Medicare – and the recipient of government funding that allowed me to finish not only my Bachelors Degree but also my Masters – I have a concern.