Grateful for levy vote
- Dear Editor,
- During these difficult economic times, the Tonasket School Board is heartened by the continued commitment of voters to the children of Tonasket and its surrounding communities. Their approval of a two-year maintenance and operations levy shows these precious children how very important their education is to their future and to ours. Strong schools benefit the community in numerous ways, and a solid partnership between schools and community is better for all.
- We thank each voter who supported this levy, and each of the many individuals and businesses that helped promote it. Because of this support, our children will receive improved learning materials, updated technology, and numerous programs that would otherwise not exist. Our beautiful buildings and grounds, provided by these very same taxpayers, will receive necessary maintenance..
- We are grateful for all who involve themselves in the educational processes of the Tonasket schools, and encourage everyone to become involved in some aspect, whether volunteering, attending performances and competitions, or simply paying a visit. We are committed to honoring the financial commitment made by voters by managing these fiscal resources responsibly and efficiently to effect student learning. Together we give our children, and ourselves, opportunities for a lifetime.
- With sincere thanks,
- Tonasket School Board
- Jerry Asmussen, Chair
- Catherine Stangland, Vice-Chair
- Lloyd Caton, Legislative Rep.
- Ernesto Cerrillo, Director
- Ty Olson, Director
Be a blood donor
- Dear Editor.
- As I look at the newspaper I read about members of our community helping each other in crisis, it makes me proud to live where people still help one another in all medical areas; car wrecks, struggling with various ailments and traumas of all types.
- The next American Red Cross Blood drive will be Thursday, March 8 in Tonasket from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Tonasket Community United Church of Christ at 24 E 4th Ave. Donating blood can help up to three people in less than one hour of your time. Your donation stays local, to be used when a medical situation requires you, a family member, friend or neighbor the need of blood.
- Please call 1-800-733-2767 to make an appointment and become a blood donor. Walk-ins are welcome but making an appointment will help the Red Cross team to schedule so your wait time is minimal. Consider asking someone to come with you, and double the amount of life-giving blood for our community.
- The March 8th blood drive is earlier in the day this time. Employers, please allow yourself and employees time out of the work day and donate blood. The life you save may be your own!
- Cathie Dinkins
- Tonasket
- Dear Editor,
- I am writing in response to a letter Ms. Cole and family had written in the Feb. 16 issue.
- My heart was deeply touched. What strength is found in our weaknesses!
- “My mind and body may grow weak, but God is my strength, he is all I ever need” Psalm 73:26.
- I truly do believe that God has a purpose in everything and we may not understand it nor may we not know until we are in his Glory, but one day we will know all. We will see the masterpiece. We will see the master!
- God knows all and I choose to rest in his love. You see “they intended to harm, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Exodus 50:20.
- Community we reach out to those hurting, in prison, hungry, those mourning! This is love, this is truth.
- Ms. Cole expressed in her letter Justin’s “heart”. He may have been broken but his “heart” was not. His heart is pure, good, kind, gentle, selfless. His heart is what Jesus talks about over and over and over.
- Please community, grasp onto this. Help others in need! I don’t care what they’ve done. Give them your smile if you ain’t got nothing else to give!
- I’ve learned this and believe me I’ve done my share of taking from others. There was a time I didn’t have that pure heart Ms. Cole talks about in Justin. I had contempt, bitterness, jealousy, greed and mainly against myself for all my lies and deception.
- My father, Jerry Rounds, reached out in the only way he knew how in “truth” and Ms. Cole is right. “Nobody does anyone any favors by covering up and making excuses.” My dad exposed my lies, my behaviors and I know that it was so hard on him! He did it in love. I thank him for this. He reached out. It’s never too late to reach out. Speak up. Stop with the hiding and lying to protect!
- Thank you Ms. Cole for your letter on the editorial pae. This is what it’s all about! The truth!
- I understand my grandpa, Ed Rounds, more and more every day. He wrote the community. He reached out. He had a heart to serve others and share a gift given to him. I too know now my Evangelistic heart to serve and I’ve learned “I can’t keep it without giving it away.”
- My heart goes out to Ms. Cole and her family. I know that Justin’s life will not be in vain. His life will save many others and God will continue to paint the picture. God knows his children and he keeps them for his Glory!
- And we all know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, Who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28.
- God bless community!
- Thank you family and friends for your support,
- Sabrina Rounds
- Billings, Montana