Tonasket’s old town facade finds new home in Winthrop

The old town facade of main street Tonasket, which previously sat above Janis Bridge, has found a new home at Silverline Lakeside Resort…

TONASKET – The old town facade of main street Tonasket, which previously sat above Janis Bridge, has found a new home at Silverline Lakeside Resort, RV Park and campground, located on Pearrygin Lake, in Winthrop.

The structure, built by Robert Walks, nine years ago, is regarded to be aesthetically pleasing by many.

“After I built it, I let the town’s businesses have their names put up. They paid three hundred and fifty dollars, which paid for some of the wood. They were really pleased with it. The guy that bought our house said it was one of the main attractions,” said Walsh.

When Walsh and his wife, Tikka, first arrived in Tonasket, he was sifting the rocks from his new property when a man asked if he could help him out by bringing two loads of manure.

“We didn’t know who the guy was when he came up but now we are good friends. That’s how the spirit of the Old West came about. We cruised around the world for six years. When you cruise around the world, you help other cruisers out. You go out of your way to do things. That’s what inspired me to build the town,” said Walsh.

Walsh said even though it’s disappointing to see the wall leave Tonasket, he and his wife believe its new home is not by accident, but history coming full circle.

“My wife’s mother, who is 97 now, every year would camp there at Pearrygin Lake. Tikka’s father would take her out of school on Fridays and go up there to go fishing. So, there are a lot of memories there. To have the wall going there, the new owner is just an awesome guy. The history behind the wall, the history of Pearrygin with Tikka’s folks, is a complete circle. It’s so appropriate and heartfelt,” he said.

According to Walsh, considering the history, new owner Anthony Katsonis is exactly who the old town facade should belong to.

“It lives on. That’s the neat thing. He loves it as much as we do and as much as all of the people of Tonasket have loved it. Now, other people are going to get to share that,” said Walsh.

Katsonis said the resort’s mini-golf course, which is a part of the RV Park, has lacked decorations.

“We didn’t really have a theme. We had been on the hunt for yard art and anything that I could put out on a mini golf course to make it feel more fun and give it a theme.

Part of the reason Katsonis said he believes the old town facade will be a perfect fit for the campground is because of the western theme.

“We really fell in love with the Methow Valley, and Winthrop in particular, with the western theme. It’s a really unique town, as far as how they have kept all of the buildings westernized. I personally think it’s what makes this town so charming,” said Katsonis.

Katsonis said they are still in the process of moving the wall.

“We are nearly halfway there. Hopefully, in another week we will have the move complete,” said Katsonis
