Public invited to learn more about proposed upgrades to SR 20 in Tonasket

The WSDOT is hosting an open house to share information and get public feedback on proposed pedestrian and bicycle upgrades for SR 20..

TONASKET – The Washington State Department of Transportation is hosting an in-person open house to share information and get public feedback on proposed pedestrian and bicycle upgrades for State Route 20 in Tonasket.

The open house will take place on Thursday, March 27 between 4 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. in the Tonasket City Council chambers, 209 S. Whitcomb Ave.

This section of SR 20 is included in a chipseal project that will resurface the travel lanes. It covers the area between the US 97/SR 20 junction to milepost 268 near Moon Dust Road. Construction is scheduled for 2028.

As part of the project’s Complete Streets analysis, multimodal improvements are being considered inside Tonasket city limits. These upgrades aim to improve safety and connectivity for non-motorized travel.

The open house is a drop-in event. Community members can arrive at any time. The planning and project team will be available to discuss the potential improvements, project funding and the timeline. They will also gather feedback on the bike and pedestrian improvements. A map of the project area and graphics of proposed improvements will be available. Public feedback now at the early stage of project development will be the best opportunity to shape the final design.

The planning team previously hosted two listening sessions, one in person and one online. These sessions helped gather input on current conditions and preferred options. Comments from those discussions were used to develop the proposed improvement options.

Project and planning staff will be available for informational tables to answer questions, including proposed pedestrian, bike and other improvements. There will be a station to sign up for project updates. More information about the open house is available on Facebook.

Hyperlinks within the release:

Chipseal project:

Complete Streets:

