Steve and Linda Colvin, owners of Esther Bricques Winery in Oroville, were on hand at the Taste of Washington last weekend in Seattle promoting their wines as well as the Oroville area. Fellow Oroville Chamber members Mo Fine and Geoff Klein, with the Tum
OROVILLE – The Oroville Chamber of Commerce will introduce its totally redesigned website at the Thursday, April 12 meeting being held at 1 p.m. in the conference room of the Oroville Public Library.
“Come see a live demonstration of our new website and how you will be able to manage your own listing and even have your own webpage on our our site,” invites Clyde Andrews, interim president. “We want our website to be used by both visitors and locals using it as their local ‘yellow pages.'”
The organization is asking for feedback on the new site located at www.orovillewashington.com or www.orovillewashington.org. Those that want to edit their listing now can email the chamber at orovillewashington@gmail.com to get instructions on how to make changes. Make sure to include your business name with your requests, says Andrews.
The chamber meeting is being catered by Linda’s Bakery and the meal is pulled pork barbecued sandwiches with drinks and chips provided by the chamber for $5.