OROVILLE – The North Central Washington Economic Development District (NWCEDD) teams up with the Oroville Chamber and City of Brewster to revive “The Heartbeat of these Towns.” The NCWEDD has contracted with Retail Strategies firm to complete the first phase of a downtown strategic visioning plan.
“What we need from a consultant is an expert to bring the townspeople’s voices together and to shape our identity for the future of experiential retail and housing while enhancing access to the resources we already have. Retail Strategies has a long history of guiding rural towns through major changes,” said Karen Frisbie, president of the Oroville Chamber.
The first meeting with Retail Strategies will be Oct. 26 in Oroville and Oct. 27 in Brewster.
“We believe that it’s about creating a feedback loop and a dialogue throughout the entire process with the community so that we can actually design the plan and create it together. If we have people acting as stewards and living in downtown, it’s going to stay more vital,” Frisbied said.
The rough timeline will be presented at the meeting and the phases of this project put forward to the community.
“We need to make sure that downtown cities remain vital. That is a large part of both the economic base of our communities, but also a draw for visitors. It’s the heartbeat!” said Frisbie.
Those interested can register for Oroville’s meeting at www.orovillewashington.com on the event calendar.