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Photo by Amy Veneziano
The sign for Just Us Girls, on the south side of the Subway building on the corner of Fourth Street and Whitcomb, signals shoppers from Highway 97.
TONASKET – There’s a new option in town for style mavens.
Just Us Girls, an antique boutique at 6 West 5th Street in Tonasket, on the south side of the Subway building, opened March 1 with success, said one of the three owners.
The store, in fact, is owned by three generations of women: Diane Allstot, her daughter Debbie Graham and Debbie’s daughter Madeleine.
Just Us Girls specializes in the more feminine aspects of antiques – linens, dishes, purses, some furniture, vintage clothing and stationary, to name a few of the items.
“It’s been a dream of ours forever to have a ladies boutique,” said Debbie Graham. They’ve been pursuing the store more seriously for the past two years, she said.
However, while the shop specializes in items women might prefer, there is no gender limit.
“We had some gentlemen come and ask us if they could come in,” said Allstot. “Of course they can! It’s called ‘Just Us Girls’ because the girls are running it.”
The store is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and some Saturday’s, according to a business description.
The family also owns the antique store across Whitcomb, Aussie Antiques.
“He was starting to get into more equipment, stoves and heavier duty items,” said Graham of her husband Collin’s store.
The family has been involved in antiques and second hand items since the 1980s.
The little shop, full to bursting, will soon have more items, Graham said.
“We’re going to begin making trips to Spokane and Wenatchee to bring in more things,” she said. “We’ll be adding items daily.”
Though the store opened with a good selection of furniture, much of it was sold in the first week. More will be added, they say.
The store’s first week was successful, said Graham.
“We had a really good first week,” she said. “This week has been good too, even though it’s been colder. The community has been very supportive and complimentary.”