Norma Jean Hart retires after 25 years
Norma Jean Hart and her daughter Jenny purchased the old Noots Drive-in 26 years ago, remodeled the building and transformed it into Hidden Treasures and The Split End.
She was 57-years old at the time and now at 81 has decided to finally retire from Hidden Treasures and move on to other adventures in her life.
“I will miss the people most of all. I feel so fortunate to be apart of this small community who has supported me for the past 25 years and many who have become my dear friends,” she said.
Mary Lou Kriner will be the new owner of Hidden Treasures. She moved here from the “Coast” to get away from the rat race of the big city and to become a part of a small community, as well as fulfill a life time dream to open her own gift store. She set out she set out three and a half years ago to open up her very own gift store which she called Marylou’s Gifts and More and was located in Oroville.
“Thank you for your support Oroville. An opportunity arose for me in Tonasket and I boughyt and am taking over Hidden Treasures from Norma Jean Hart,” she said.
She is planning a Grand opening on Saturday, Feb. 7 celebrate Hart’s retirement and the start of her chapter in the Hidden Treasures story.
She asks that people stop by and celebrate with wine and hors d’oeuvres.
Hart says she plans on being in the store ever so often with Kriner and to visit with her old customers and meet some of the new ones.
Hart adds, “Please join me in welcoming Mary Lou to our community and Hidden Treasures. I feel so grateful to have her keeping Hidden Treasures as a gift store. She is excited and looking forward continuing Hidden Treasures legacy.”