The Healthcare Executive and Legislative Summit, organized by Mid-Valley Hospital and co-sponsored by North Valley and Three Rivers hospitals took place at at 12 Tribes Casino on July 25, 2019. It was well attended by representatives of the local health care industry, as well as state legislators and representatives for federal legislators.
OMAK – Mid-Valley Hospital organized a Healthcare Executive and Legislative Summit, co-sponsored by North Valley and Three Rivers hospitals at 12 Tribes Casino on July 25, 2019.
Local, state and federal Legislators were invited with state legislators Sen. Shelly Short, Rep. Mike Steele, Sen. Linda Parlette and representatives from U.S. Rep. Dan Newhouse and U.S. Sen. Patty Murray in attendance.
State Senator Shelly Short (7th District); state Representative Mike Steele (12th District); Nicole Kuchenbuch, representing U.S. Congressman Dan Newhouse.
The three hospitals and Washington State Hospital Association (WSHA) presented the challenges faced in healthcare delivery in the county with potential solutions and requested advocacy from the legislators. Family Health Centers, Confluence Health, Okanogan Behavioral Healthcare, Aero Methow Rescue Service, North Central Accountable Communities of Health, Okanogan Public Health and the hospital board members were united in a round-table discussion with the legislators, giving more supporting background information and painting a broader picture of how all organizations are impacted.
“It was extremely exciting for us to have the opportunity to get everyone in one room and present ourselves to our legislative representatives as a unified healthcare system, said Alan Fisher, Mid-Valley Hospital & Clinic CEO. “We are so appreciative of our health partners in Okanogan County and we are very proud to serve our community alongside them. The legislators asked great questions and this was a great opportunity to reintroduce ourselves to them and begin building more solid relationships.”