OROVILLE – At Georgi’s Market, owned by John and Rosa Snider, their goal is to provide year-around fresh local and regional foot to the community.
They want to do that by giving small farmers a venue to market and sell their products seven days a week, as opposed to the four day markets that are currently available, they say.
“We will be carrying a variety of different fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs during the appropriate seasons as well as dairy products, meats, preserves, ciders and other value added products year-round. We will also be offering classes on various topics such as canning, freezing and cellaring options,” said the Sniders.
Their brochure says they chose the name Georgi’s because “George” is derived from the Greek word for “Farmer” or “Earth Worker” and in their experience farmers are the embodiment of patience, perseverance, hard work and dedication. Which they say is exactly how they describe Rosa’s mom, Georgia, whom the family calls Georgi.
The market is looking for local suppliers and will be stocking their shelves based on the availability. The encourage local producers to get in touch with them,
“Although supplying fresh, healthy, local and regional food is our main focus, we will also offer assistance in working with the right entity (USDA, Health Department, WSDA)( to get the appropriate licenses, i.e. processors, cottage kitchen licenses, figure out the labeling requirements, etc. so you can get your product to market,” they say.
Georgi’s Market is located south of Oroville at the former Don’s Fruit Stand, located at 32706 U.S. Hwy. 97. Contact them by dropping by or calling (509) 322-8696.