Candidates running for Oroville School Board Position 5 – Debra Nesper, Bryan Zeski and write-in candidate Adam Breardsley.
- Author Bio
- Gary DeVon is the managing editor of the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune and celebrated his 25th year at the newspaper in August 2012. He graduated from Gonzaga University with a degree in Communications - Print Journalism, with an emphasis in photojournalism. He is a proud alumnus of Oroville High School. His family first settled in Okanogan County in the late 1800s. His parents are Judy DeVon and the late Larry DeVon and he has two younger brothers - Dante and Michael. Many family members still call Oroville home. He has a grown daughter, Segornae Douglas and a young granddaughter, Erin.
- Website
This is the third in our series of articles on the candidates who participated in a forum held in Oroville on Oct. 5.
The Oroville Chamber sponsored a candidates’ forum Oct. 5. Incumbent Ed Naillon was the only mayoral candidate who attended.
Three out of four candidates for Oroville City Council were on hand to introduce themselves and answer questions from the audience
Editor’s Note: This week we ask a few questions of the three candidates for Oroville School Board, Director Position 5 (at large).
This will significantly improve broadband access to the Nine Mile, Molson, Chesaw, Havillah and Siwash Creek areas.
The 16-year-old, Brooks Enzensperger, made the trip, his first to Oroville, as a challenge to himself.
Nesper received 357 votes, Zeski 260 votes and incumbent Birmingham, 173 votes
State lab determines substance was negative for any bio-terrorism agents or toxins.
Substance found by King County election office is fentanyl; substance in Okanogan County under investigation
As the fire moved northward Saturday, residents on both sides of Hwy 97, from the Canadian border to Oroville, were evacuated.
The incident is still being investigated to collect evidence from the vehicle, as well as blood tox reports.
The new housing is being built at the site of OHA’s first project nearly three decades ago