MOLSON – The community of Molson would like to invite everyone young and old, to come to the June 18 Molson Midsummer Festival, a Molson summer fun day that has something for everyone.
Start your day at 8 a.m. with the pancake feed at the Grange Hall, all you can eat for $8.00. Sign up for the “Run, Walk or Shuffle race” at 9 a.m. and see the lakes. Park your classic car at the school house and get geared up for the parade at 10:30 p.m. The organizers of the event would like to remind everyone that almost anything that walks or rolls is encouraged to participate in the parade; classic cars, tractors, you name it. This years Grand Marshals will be the Molson/Chesaw Firefighters. The traditional May Pole (bring in summer) will take place about 11: a.m. The family games, horse shoe tournament and scavenger hunt start right after the Maypole dance. Frisbee golf is on-going and self serve. Favorite car awards will be at 2 p.m.. All day activities are; arts and crafts, vendors, drawings, and viewing the two museums
Please call Mary Louise Loe at 485-3292 for more information and Jeanette LaMonte at 509-485-2035 for arts and crafts tables. Willy Penner is in charge of the door prizes.
Sitzmark Ski Club will have the lunch concession from about 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Don’t forget to visit the Old Molson and School House Museums. Proceeds go toward the Molson-Chesaw Fire Department.