Pictured are the two lead character, Nicole Pearce and Douglas Leese in a production of Neil Simon’s Barefoot in the Park. In addition to Pearce and Leese, who were producer and director, respectively, the cast included Marile and Steve Kundel and Ugo Bar
OROVILLE – Last Saturday night Lake Crest Winery hosted a dinner theater catered by Bonaparte Lake Resort and featuring Neil Simon’s “Barefoot in the Park.”
The play was presented by Dramatic Escape Productions and took place in Bonnie and Ken Mathew’s venue at Lake Crest Winery which was was a beautiful setting for the three act play and prime rib dinner.
The cast of Nicole Pearce, Douglas Leese, Marile Kunkel, Steve Kundel and Ugo Bartell, directed by Douglas Leese and produced by Nicole Pearce, provided a wonderful night of entertainment. Many indicated it was one of the best productions they had seen locally or anywhere.
The meal, catered by Bonaparte Lake Resort, should give any of those who were in attendance and others good reason to go to Bonaparte Lake Resort to eat.