Changes announced for senior meal services in Tonasket

OCTN announced a change in the meal service schedule at the Tonasket Senior Center and in-person meals will no longer be served Fridays.

TONASKET – Okanogan County Transportation and Nutrition (OCTN) has announced a change in its meal service schedule at the Tonasket Senior Center. Effective immediately, in-person meals will no longer be served on Fridays.

This decision comes as part of a broader effort to streamline services and allocate resources more efficiently, according to OCTN.

While Friday in-person meals will be discontinued, seniors are encouraged to take advantage of the other meal services available throughout the week. The organization remains committed to ensuring that all seniors in the community continue to have access to nutritious meals and social opportunities.

Meals are served at the Tonasket Senior Center at 22 East 5th, Tonasket at 12 p.m., Monday through Thursday.

For more information on meal services and other available resources, seniors and their families can contact Okanogan County Transportation and Nutrition directly at 509- 826-7979 or 844-826-7979. Bus service is available locally to most meal sites. If you need to schedule a ride to attend a meal, call 509-826-4391 or 800-635-4391.
