Oroville's absence showed lack of respect


Dear Editor,

Tonasket EMS Director Michael Greene’s Memorial Service was January 23rd at Tonasket High School. Michael was an asset to the community and was associated with EMS and Fire in Washington State and Nevada.

Ladder trucks came from Omak and Chelan. Fire trucks and ambulances came from Tonasket, Grand Coulee and Republic. Fire Honor Guard came from Olympia, and numerous people came from Olympia, Belfair and the coast. Several people even traveled all the way from Nevada for the service!

There was one glaring exception that did not go unnoticed. Where was the representation from Oroville? Too many miles between Oroville and Tonasket, perhaps? How disrespectful to Mr. Greene, his family, and the people of Oroville!

Linda Heagy
