Cops & Courts

Superior Court


  • Gailin Tara Olsen, 27, Omak, pleaded guilty Sept. 30 to third-degree assault (law enforcement officer), resisting arrest, fourth-degree assault (DV) and fourth-degree assault. Those crimes occurred Feb. 14. In a separate case, Olsen pleaded guilty Sept. 30 to second-degree theft. Olsen was sentenced to a total of three months in jail and fined a total of $3,001.76 including $1,290.26 in restitution. The second crime occurred Dec. 18, 2013.
  • Alyssa Ann Descoteaux, 20, Omak, pleaded guilty Sept. 30 to delivery of a controlled substance (heroin). The crime occurred Feb. 11. In a separate case, Descoteaux pleaded guilty Sept. 30 to POCS (cocaine), POCS (heroin), possession of marijuana (less than 40 grams) and use of drug paraphernalia. Those crimes occurred April 25. Descoteaux was sentenced to a total of 14 months in prison and fined a total of $3,281.
  • Kevin Michale Dixon, 25, Oroville, pleaded guilty Sept. 30 to first-degree animal cruelty, second-degree criminal trespassing and third-degree theft. Dixon was sentenced to six months in jail and fined $1,110.50 for the May 26 crimes. A restitution hearing was scheduled for Nov. 17.
  • The court found probable cause to charge Dustin Thomas Hayes, 26, Omak, with POCS (heroin) and resisting arrest. The crimes occurred Sept. 24. In a separate case, the court found probable cause to charge Hayes with three counts of distribution of a controlled substance (heroin) (within 1,000 feet of a school zone).
  • The court found probable cause to charge Jared Wendell Chaney, 20, Omak, with residential burglary and second-degree malicious mischief. The crimes allegedly occurred Sept. 26.
  • The court found probable cause to charge Jeremy James Monnin, 34, Omak, with assault in violation of a no-contact order (DV), interfering with reporting (DV) and third-degree malicious mischief (DV).


  • A 16-year-old Okanogan girl pleaded guilty Oct. 1 to second-degree rendering criminal assistance. The girl was sentenced to 20 days in detention with credit for nine days served, and fined $100 for the Sept. 22 crime.

District Court

  • John Cameron Blake, 21, Okanogan, guilty of a burn ban violation. Blake received a 60-day suspended sentence and fined $568.
  • Brian Kristopher Boyd, 33, Omak, guilty of third-degree DWLS and first-degree negligent driving. Boyd was sentenced to 90 days in jail with 88 days suspended, and fined $783.
  • Joseph Clay Bridges, 52, Riverside, had a fourth-degree assault charge dismissed. Bridges was fined $200.
  • Amber Rae Erks, 23, Okanogan, guilty of third-degree DWLS. Erks received a 90-day suspended sentence and fined $818.
  • Crystal Gail Fletcher, 34, Okanogan, had a third-degree DWLS charge dismissed.
  • Alicia Lynn Flores, 35, Omak, had a third-degree theft charge dismissed.
  • Silas Leo Gardipee, 27, Omak, guilty of DUI. Gardipee was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 359 days suspended, and fined $2,786.
  • Jason Leroy George, 49, Omak, had a violation of a no-contact order charge dismissed.
  • Robert Wendell George, 45, Omak, had two charges dismissed: first-degree DWLS and an ignition interlock violation. George was fined $500.
  • Debra Sue Gillespie, 52, Okanogan, guilty of fourth-degree assault. Gillespie received a 180-day suspended sentence and fined $893.
  • Gabriela Rocio P. Gonzales, 47, Omak, had a fourth-degree assault charge dismissed. Gonzales was fined $200.

911 Calls and Jail Bookings

Monday, Sept. 29, 2014

  • Burglary on Robinson Canyon Rd. near Omak.
  • Harassment on Hwy. 97 near Oroville.
  • Threats on S. Fifth Ave. in Okanogan.
  • Overdose on Million St. near Omak.
  • DWLS on Jennings Loop Rd. near Oroville.
  • Assault on Okoma Dr. in Omak.
  • Warrant arrest on S. Main St. in Omak.
  • Burglary on Juniper St. in Oroville.
  • Drugs on Main St. in Oroville.
  • Laura Ann Balderas, 23, court commitment for DUI.
  • Shelly Rae Jones, 34, booked on an Omak Police Department FTC warrant for third-degree theft.
  • Derin Welden Darlington, 43, booked on three Superior Court warrants: third-degree assault, unlawful imprisonment and third-degree theft.
  • Jason Paul Martins, 44, DOC detainer.
  • Donald Joe Sutton, 33, booked for first-degree negligent driving, obstruction, and a King County warrant for hit-and-run (attended).
  • Vickie Ann Hall, 47, booked on two Omak Police Department FTC warrants: DUI and hit-and-run (unattended).

 Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2014

  • Theft on Conconully St. in Okanogan.
  • Vehicle-vs.-deer crash on Kermal Rd. near Omak. No injuries reported.
  • Property damage on Chesaw Rd. near Oroville. Stop sign reported damaged.
  • DWLS on Hwy. 97 near Okanogan.
  • Theft on Bolster Rd. near Oroville.
  • Warrant arrest on Railroad St. in Omak.
  • DWLS on S. Whitcomb Ave. in Tonasket.
  • DWLS on N. Second Ave. in Okanogan.
  • Drugs on Locust St. in Tonasket.
  • Theft on Engh Rd. in Omak.
  • Assault on Jasmine St. in Omak.
  • Harassment on Okoma Dr. in Omak.
  • Hit-and-run vehicle crash on Engh Rd. near Omak.
  • Fraud on N. Juniper St. in Omak.
  • Domestic dispute on N. Kenwood St. in Omak.
  • Theft on Golden St. in Oroville.
  • Theft on Kay St. in Oroville.
  • Hit-and-run crash on Jennings Loop Rd. near Oroville.
  • Fraud on E. First St. in Tonasket.
  • DWLS on Havillah Rd. near Tonasket.
  • Drugs on E. Seventh St. in Tonasket.
  • Warrant arrest on Locust St. in Tonasket.
  • Brandon Matthew Herz, 28, booked for fourth-degree assault (DV).
  • Joshua Michael Barnes, 28, booked on a Tribal FTA warrant for third-degree DWLS.
  • Brandon Lee Parks, 22, booked for first-degree DWLS.
  • Stephen Dale Moses Jr., 54, booked on a State Patrol FTA warrant for third-degree DWLS. 

Wednesday, Oct. 1, 2014

  • Theft on Old Hwy. 97 near Okanogan. Power tools reported missing.
  • Automobile theft on N. Third Ave. in Okanogan.
  • Assault on Riverside Dr. in Omak.
  • Theft on Engh Rd. in Omak.
  • Two-vehicle crash on Riverside Dr. in Omak. No injuries reported.
  • Drugs on S. Ferry St. in Omak.
  • Warrant arrest on N. Ash St. in Omak.
  • Trespassing on Engh Rd. near Omak.
  • Automobile theft on Fir St. in Oroville.
  • Theft on Golden St. in Oroville.
  • Trespassing on Fir St. in Oroville.
  • Sean Lee Dahlquist, 23, booked for POCS (methamphetamine) and making a false statement.
  • Jesus Alberto Castaneda, 20, booked on a Superior Court FTA warrant for POCS, an Omak Police Department FTA warrant for third-degree theft, and a Tribal FTA warrant for third-degree theft.
  • Briana Lynn Carrothers, 24, DOC detainer.
  • Mongo Jerry Lodi Renion, 29, booked on an OCSO FTA warrant for third-degree malicious mischief and a tribal FTA warrant for third-degree malicious mischief.

Thursday, Oct. 2, 2014

  • Public intoxication on S. Second Ave. in Okanogan.
  • Assault on S. First Ave. in Okanogan.
  • Violation of a no-contact order on Hwy. 7 near Tonasket.
  • Malicious mischief on Tonasket Shop Rd. near Tonasket.
  • Malicious mischief on Two Horse Rd. near Wauconda. Mailbox reported damaged.
  • Harassment on Hwy. 97 near Oroville.
  • Two-vehicle crash on Elmway in Okanogan. No injuries reported.
  • Trespassing on Darkmoon Way near Wauconda.
  • One-vehicle hit-and-run crash on Locust St. in Omak. Vehicle reportedly struck house.
  • Burglary on W. First Ave. in Omak.
  • Drugs on S. Birch St. in Omak.
  • Public intoxication on E. Central Ave. in Omak.
  • Public intoxication on Omak Ave. in Omak.
  • Vehicle prowl on W. Apple Ave. in Omak.
  • Trespassing on Main St. in Oroville.
  • Drugs on Golden St. in Oroville.
  • Burglary on Cherry St. in Oroville.
  • Warrant arrest on Juniper St. in Oroville.
  • Harassment on S. Tonasket Ave. in Tonasket.
  • Two-vehicle crash on N. Western Ave. in Tonasket. No injuries reported.
  • David Leslie Louis, 33, booked for fourth-degree assault and intimidating a witness.
  • Brandon Scott Thomas, 22, booked for DUI and hit-and-run (attended).
  • Bradley Lear, no middle name listed, booked on two State Patrol FTA warrants: DUI and third-degree DWLS.
  • Marc Alan Layne Jefferson, 23, booked on five counts of possession of an explosive device, two counts of POCS (methamphetamine) and one count of POCS (heroin).

Friday, Oct. 3, 2014

  • Assault on River Loop Rd. near Tonasket.
  • Theft on Main St. in Riverside.
  • Assault on Pine St. in Okanogan.
  • Assault on Ed Louis Rd. near Okanogan.
  • Violation of a no-contact order on S. Ash St. in Omak.
  • Warrant arrest on Hwy. 20 near Tonasket.
  • Warrant arrest on Riverside Dr. in Omak.
  • Threats on W. Bartlett Ave. in Omak.
  • Harassment on Engh Rd. in Omak.
  • Burglary on Engh Rd. near Omak.
  • Drugs on Engh Rd. in Omak.
  • Theft on Engh Rd. in Omak.
  • Fraud on Apple Lane in Omak.
  • Warrant arrest on N. Fir St. in Omak.
  • Theft on Chesaw Rd. near Oroville.
  • Domestic dispute on Ironwood St. in Oroville.
  • Trespassing on N. State Frontage Rd. near Tonasket.
  • Domestic dispute on S. Seventh St. in Tonasket.
  • Drugs on S. Whitcomb Ave. in Tonasket.
  • Larry Gene Visger, 67, booked on an OCSO FTA warrant for violation of a protection order.
  • Shyanna Kristine Lanni, 27, booked on an Omak Police Department FTA warrant for first-degree criminal trespassing.
  • Robert Karl Johnson, 58, booked for fourth-degree assault (DV).

Saturday, Oct. 4, 2014

  • Disorderly conduct on S. Western Ave. in Tonasket.
  • Warrant arrest on E. Sixth Ave. in Omak.
  • Drugs on Epley Rd. near Omak.
  • Recovered vehicle on N. Second Ave. in Okanogan.
  • Drugs on N. Sixth Ave. in Okanogan.
  • Domestic dispute on S. Third Ave. in Okanogan.
  • Theft on S. Granite St. in Omak.
  • Reckless endangerment on Hwy. 97 in Omak.
  • Domestic dispute on Golden St. in Oroville.
  • Theft on Main St. in Oroville.
  • Garret Lee Bruce, 46, booked on an OCSO FTA warrant for third-degree DWLS and a Pond D‚ÄôOreille County FTA warrant for third-degree DWLS.
  • Sandra Rose Moses, 27, booked on two State Patrol FTA warrants: DUI and second-degree DWLS.
  • Gustavo Guzman Trujillo, 25, booked for second-degree assault (DV) and a USBP hold.
  • Johannes Robert Lappin, 42, booked for second-degree criminal trespassing.
  • Martin Farias Sanchez, 49, USBP hold.
  • Arturo Moreno Mendoza, 35, USBP hold.
  • Heriberto Hernandez Garcia, 20, booked for possession of a stolen vehicle and second-degree DWLS.

Sunday, Oct. 5, 2014

  • Trespassing on S. Second Ave. in Okanogan.
  • Trespassing on S. Fourth Ave. in Okanogan.
  • Violation of a no-contact order on Six Gun Way near Oroville.
  • Theft on Cayuse Mountain Rd. near Tonasket.
  • Weapons offense on Copple Rd. in Omak.
  • Warrant arrest on Okoma Dr. in Omak.
  • DUI on S. First Ave. in Okanogan.
  • Public intoxication on Omak Ave. in Omak.
  • Two-vehicle crash on Engh Rd. in Omak.
  • Drugs on Main St. in Oroville.
  • Domestic dispute on Golden St. in Oroville.
  • Jeremey Rhyne Schnecker, 36, booked for first-degree DWLS.
  • Jonathan C. Gray, 27, booked for fourth-degree assault (DV).
  • Richard Kirk Heindselman, 53, booked for DUI.
  • Kyle Anthony Nicholson, 28, booked on three prosecutor‚Äôs FTA warrants: POCS, unlawful possession of a firearm and possession of a short-barrel firearm.
  • Michael Winston Kinzebach, 19, booked for POCS (LSD).
  • Leroy Edwin Brenneman, 56, booked for third-degree DWLS.

Cops & Courts

by  on September 25, 2014 in Court, Police & 911 Calls {Edit}

Superior Court


  • The court found probable cause to charge Christina Linn Fletcher, 54, Oroville, with intimidating a witness and POCS (methamphetamine). The crimes allegedly occurred Sept. 9.
  • The court found probable cause to charge Christina Marie Grooms Sloan, 40, Omak, with theft of a motor vehicle. The crime allegedly occurred Sept. 9.
  • The court found probable cause to charge Gordon Lester Dick Jr., 40, Omak, with theft of a motor vehicle, attempting to elude a pursuing police vehicle, third-degree DWLS, hit-and-run (unattended), and conspiracy to commit second-degree assault (with a deadly weapon). The crimes allegedly occurred Sept. 7.
  • The court found probable cause to charge Timothy Keith Edwards, 41, Omak, with theft of a motor vehicle and conspiracy to commit second-degree assault (with a deadly weapon). The crimes allegedly occurred Sept. 7. In a separate case, the court found probable cause to charge Edwards with 22 counts of violation of a no-contact order (DV). Those crimes allegedly occurred between December 2013 and September 2014.
  • The court found probable cause to charge Jerry Ray Mears Jr., 26, Riverside, with assault in violation of a no-contact order and fourth-degree assault (DV). The crimes allegedly occurred Sept. 11.
  • The court found probable cause to charge Joseph William Cook, 27, Okanogan, with first-degree unlawful possession of a firearm. The crime allegedly occurred Sept. 11.
  • The court found probable cause to charge Deny Albert Dare, 52, Tonasket, with residential burglary, harassment (threats to kill) and fourth-degree assault. The crimes allegedly occurred Sept. 13.


  • A 13-year-old Oroville girl pleaded guilty Sept. 17 to two counts of third-degree malicious mischief. The crimes occurred June 1. In a separate case, the same girl pleaded guilty Sept. 17 to third-degree malicious mischief (DV). That crime occurred Aug. 12. In a third separate case, the same girl pleaded guilty Sept. 17 to third-degree theft. That crime occurred July 30. The girl was sentenced to a total of 19 days in detention with credit for 19 days served, and fined a total of $340 dollars, including $40 in restitution.
  • A 16-year-old Riverside boy pleaded guilty Sept. 17 to third-degree theft. The boy was sentenced to seven days in detention with credit for seven days served, and fined $100 for the May 25 crimes. A restitution hearing was scheduled for Oct. 29.
  • A 16-year-old Okanogan boy pleaded guilty Sept. 17 to two counts of custodial assault. The boy was sentenced to a total of 45 days in detention with credit for 17 days served, and fined $100 for the Aug. 26 crimes.
  • A 17-year-old Omak girl pleaded guilty Sept. 17 to MIP/C. The girl was sentenced to nine days in jail with nine days suspended, and fined $100 for the May 30 crime.

District Court

  • Tristan Devlyn Rodriguez, 18, Oroville, guilty of third-degree DWLS. Rodriguez received a 90-day suspended sentence and fined $418.
  • Victor Manuel Rodriguez, 48, Oroville, had a third-degree malicious mischief charge dismissed.
  • Shannon Tawny Simpson, 29, Okanogan, guilty of an ignition interlock violation and third-degree DWLS. Simpson received a 180-day suspended sentence and fined a total of $1,058.
  • Jonathan Caine Souders, 20, Omak, had a third-degree theft charge dismissed.
  • Seth Adam Stough, 35, Okanogan, guilty of second-degree criminal trespassing. Stough was sentenced to 90 days in jail with 86 days suspended, and fined $608.
  • Ian Ray Tatshama, 44, Omak, guilty of second-degree DWLS. Tatshama received a 180-day suspended sentence and fined $1,018.
  • Cameron John Taylor, 19, Omak, had a charge dismissed: violation of a no-contact order.
  • Randy Lee Timentwa, 33, Omak, guilty of fourth-degree assault. Timentwa was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 355 days suspended, and fined $683.
  • Dean Shawn Tonner, 47, Okanogan, guilty of third-degree theft. Tonner received a 180-day suspended sentence and fined $118.
  • Dawn Maria Torrence, 39, Omak, had a charge dismissed: violation of a temporary restraining order.
  • Colin Martin Townsend, 23, Okanogan, guilty of DUI. Townsend was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 359 days suspended, and fined $1,936.
  • Gonzalo Cruz Vargas, 52, Omak, had a DUI charge dismissed.
  • Jacob Patrick Vincent Ramsey, 28, Omak, had a third-degree theft charge dismissed.
  • Dallas Dean Wilson, 21, Okanogan, had a third-degree malicious mischief charge dismissed.

911 Calls & Jail Bookings

Monday, Sept. 15, 2014

  • Malicious mischief on S. First Ave. in Okanogan. Graffiti reported.
  • Theft on Scanlon Lake Rd. near Riverside. Gate reported missing.
  • Custodial interference on Havillah Rd. near Tonasket.
  • Fraud on Jess Botello Place near Omak.
  • Assault on S. Third Ave. in Okanogan.
  • Warrant arrest on Loomis-Oroville Rd. near Oroville.
  • Drugs on N. Third Ave. in Okanogan.
  • Weapons offense on Johnson Creek Rd. near Omak.
  • Threats on Davies Rd. near Oroville.
  • Threats on S. Second Ave. in Okanogan.
  • Warrant arrest on Apple Way Rd. in Okanogan.
  • Theft on Engh Rd. in Omak.
  • Theft on Okoma Dr. in Omak.
  • Two-vehicle crash on N. Main St. in Omak. No injuries reported.
  • Malicious mischief on E. Bartlett Ave. in Omak.
  • Theft on Appleway Ave. in Oroville. Tablet computer reported missing.
  • Jason Paul Martins, 44, DOC detainer.
  • Sean Thomas, no middle name listed, 47, DOC detainer.
  • Fletcher Clay Rickabaugh, 18, booked for fourth-degree assault (DV).
  • Antonio Perez Soto, 38, booked for fourth-degree assault (DV).
  • Noel Lockett, 46, booked on two OCSO FTA warrants: one each fir fourth-degree assault and second-degree criminal trespassing; and an Oroville Police Department FTA warrant for second-degree criminal trespassing.
  • Ramon Lopez Arrellano, 45, booked for second-degree murder, a USBP detainer and unauthorized removal of concealment of a body.
  • Jaime Salazar Gomez, 38, booked for second-degree murder, a USBP detainer and unauthorized removal of concealment of a body.
  • Oscar Torres Perez, 37, booked for second-degree murder, a USBP detainer and two OCSO FTA warrants: DUI and hit-and-run (unattended).
  • Jose Hernandez Jimenez, 42, booked for second-degree murder, a USBP detainer, and unauthorized removal of concealment of a body.

Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2014

  • One-vehicle crash on Hwy. 97 near Okanogan.
  • Drugs on Engh Rd. near Omak. Hypodermic needle recovered.
  • Illegal burning on Kruse St. near Omak.
  • Malicious mischief on Chesaw Rd. near Oroville. Mailboxes reported damaged.
  • Sex offender on S. Third Ave. in Okanogan.
  • Burglary on Gum Drop Lane near Omak.
  • Wildland fire on Hwy. 97 near Omak.
  • Assault on Six Gun Way near Oroville.
  • Hazardous materials on Locust St. in Omak.
  • DWLS on S. Second Ave. in Okanogan.
  • Malicious mischief on S. Third Ave. in Okanogan.
  • Domestic dispute on Hwy. 20 near Okanogan.
  • Illegal burning on Grey Goose Rd. near Omak.
  • Utility problem on N. Ash St. in Omak. Utility pole reported damaged.
  • Theft on Senna St. in Omak. Jewelry box reported missing.
  • Warrant arrest on N. Ash St. in Omak.
  • Harassment on S. Birch St. in Omak.
  • Drugs on Ironwood St. in Oroville.
  • Illegal burning on Juniper St. in Oroville.
  • Sex offense on W. First St. in Tonasket.
  • Jeremey John Lavender, 28, booked on two Omak Police Department FTA warrants: one each for violation of a no-contact order; and an OCSO FTA warrant for violation of a temporary restraining order (DV).
  • Nathaniel Edenso, no middle name listed, 34, booked on an Omak Police Department FTA warrant for third-degree DWLS.
  • Patrick Lee Day, 44, booked on a DOC secretary’s warrant.
  • Larry Gene Visger, 67, booked on two counts of fourth-degree assault (DV).
  • Angelo Javier Lopez, 32, DOC detainer and felony violation of a protection order.
  • Cameron Joseph Lucas, 30, booked for fourth-degree assault.
  • Gerald Stephen McCandless, 43, booked on an Omak Police Department FTA warrant for DUI.
  • Gregory Lamont Brady, 62, booked for third-degree malicious mischief.
  • Michelle Lynn Carden, 26, booked for attempting to elude, third-degree DWLS and a DOC detainer.
  • Fletcher Clay Rickabaugh, 18, booked for residential burglary and third-degree theft.

Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2014

  • Malicious mischief on E. Stampede Dr. in Omak.
  • Automobile theft on Robinson Canyon Rd. near Omak.
  • Violation of a no-contact order on N. Third Ave. in Okanogan.
  • Domestic dispute on River Ave. in Okanogan.
  • Illegal burning on Sawtell Rd. near Oroville.
  • Domestic dispute on Fir St. in Oroville.
  • Theft on S. Cedar St. in Omak.
  • Harassment on W. Apple Ave. in Omak.
  • Burglary on N. Main St. in Omak.
  • Public intoxication on Riverside Dr. in Omak.
  • Threats on S. Ash St. in Omak.
  • Theft on Main St. in Oroville.
  • Adam Matthew Stewart, 26, booked on two counts of attempted theft of a firearm and one count each of first-degree criminal trespassing and obstruction.
  • Rusty Jochua Nimmo, 24, booked on an OCSO FTC warrant for first-degree negligent driving.
  • David Ray Best, 55, court commitments for DUI, DUI (revoked), and third-degree DWLS.

Thursday, Sept. 18, 2014

  • Drugs on S. Cedar St. in Omak.
  • Fraud on S. First Ave. in Okanogan.
  • Violation of a no-contact order on Six Gun Way near Oroville.
  • Assault on Engh Rd. near Omak.
  • Burglary on Jennings Loop Rd. near Oroville.
  • Warrant arrest on E. Eighth Ave. in Omak.
  • Assault on Oak St. in Omak.
  • Two reports of vehicle prowl on S. Fir St. in Omak.
  • Vehicle prowl on S. Cedar St. in Omak.
  • Theft on N. Ash St. in Omak.
  • Fraud on Ironwood St. in Oroville.
  • Trespassing on Lime Ave. in Omak.
  • Theft on Engh Rd. in Omak.
  • One-vehicle crash on Summit Dr. near Oroville. No injuries reported.
  • DWLS on S. Whitcomb Ave. in Tonasket.
  • Jesse Owen Jane, 38, booked on a DOC secretary’s warrant.
  • Gerald Alan Sam, 62, booked for fourth-degree assault (DV) and third-degree malicious mischief (DV).
  • Mark Alex Nysti, 40, court commitment for violation of a no-contact order.
  • Silas Leo Gardipee, 26, court commitment for DUI.

Friday, Sept. 19, 2014

  • Assault on S. Third Ave. in Okanogan.
  • Two-vehicle crash on Elmway in Okanogan. No injuries reported.
  • Assault on Old Riverside Hwy. near Omak.
  • Violation of a no-contact order on Six Gun Way near Oroville.
  • Vehicle prowl on Koala Dr. near Omak.
  • Weapons offense on Hi-View Lane near Tonasket.
  • Trespassing on Elderberry Ave. in Omak.
  • Drugs on Omak Ave. in Omak.
  • Vehicle prowl on Senna St. in Omak.
  • Theft on Riverside Dr. in Omak.
  • Automobile theft on Okoma Dr. in Omak.
  • Vehicle prowl on N. Main St. in Omak.
  • Loitering on 23rd Ave. in Oroville.
  • Two-vehicle hit-and-run crash on 9th Ave. in Omak.
  • Burglary on Juniper St. in Oroville.
  • Fraud on E. Seventh St. in Tonasket.
  • Threats on Hwy. 20 near Tonasket.
  • DWLS on S. Western Ave. in Tonasket.
  • Larry Gregory Kruger Jr., 36, booked on a probable cause warrant for failure to register as a sex offender.
  • Jordan Dean Whittle, 19, booked for a drug court violation.
  • Joseph Earl Exendine, 27, booked for third-degree assault.
  • Randy Benjamin Lepire, 25, booked for third-degree theft and second-degree vehicle prowl.
  • Michael Roderick Carson, 35, DOC detainer.

Saturday, Sept. 20, 2014

  • Trespassing on Hwy. 97 near Oroville.
  • Domestic dispute on Omak-Riverside Eastside Rd. near Omak.
  • Malicious mischief on Hwy. 7 near Oroville.
  • Burglary on N. Maud Ave. in Conconully.
  • Domestic dispute on Hart Rd. near Oroville.
  • Malicious mischief on S. Third Ave. in Okanogan. Graffiti reported.
  • Burglary on Ed Figlinski Rd. near Riverside.
  • Trespassing on Ed Figlinski Rd. near Riverside.
  • Trespassing on Johnson Creek Rd. near Omak.
  • Trespassing on Rogers Ave. in Okanogan.
  • Warrant arrest on E. Grape Ave. in Omak.
  • Harassment on S. Cedar St. in Omak.
  • Warrant arrest on E. Central Ave. in Omak.
  • Trespassing on S. Main St. in Omak.
  • Theft on Engh Rd. in Omak.
  • Public intoxication on S. Main St. in Omak.
  • Weapons offense on W. Hale Ave. in Omak.
  • Trespassing on 23rd Ave. in Oroville.
  • Theft on Fourth Ave. in Oroville. Prescription drugs reported missing.
  • Warrant arrest on W. Fourth St. in Tonasket.
  • Brian Kristopher Boyd, 33, booked for DUI and third-degree DWLS.
  • John Andrew Hilderbrand, 21, booked on a DOC secretary’s warrant.
  • Jacob Mitchell Jackson, 26, booked on a State Patrol FTA warrant for third-degree DWLS.
  • Sheila Lee Desautel, 42, booked on a State Patrol FTA warrant for third-degree DWLS and an Omak Police Department FTA warrant for third-degree theft.
  • Shawn Therese Lassila, 47, booked for first-degree theft.
  • Alicia Sue Saulmon, 45, booked on an OCSO FTA warrant for first-degree criminal trespassing.
  • Deborah Sue Rodriguez, 42, booked for fourth-degree assault (DV).

Sunday, Sept. 21, 2014

  • Burglary on E. Grape Ave. in Omak.
  • Public intoxication on Apple Way Rd. in Okanogan.
  • DUI on Elmway in Okanogan.
  • TMVWOP on Omak-Riverside Eastside Rd. near Omak.
  • Assault on River Ave. in Okanogan.
  • Two-vehicle hit-and-run crash on Hwy. 7 near Oroville.
  • Trespassing on Madd Mountain Rd. near Okanogan.
  • Assault on Shady Lane near Omak.
  • Burglary on Eastside Oroville Rd. near Oroville.
  • Theft on Appleway Ave. in Oroville.
  • Theft on Main St. in Oroville.
  • Ruben Garcia Salazar, 43, booked for DUI and hit-and-run (unattended).
  • Anthony Sanchez, no middle name listed, 20, booked for DUI and second-degree DWLS.
  • Rebecca Lynn Cabrera, 53, DOC detainer.
  • James Carl Walker Jr., 46, DOC detainer.


DUI – Driving Under the Influence

DWLS/R – Driving While License Suspended/Revoked

POSC – Possession of a Controlled Substance

MIP/C – Minor in Possession/Consumption

TMVWOP – Taking a Motor Vehicle without Owner’s Permission

DV – Domestic Violence

FTA/C – Failure to Appear/Comply (on a warrant)

FTPF – Failure to Pay Fine

RP – Reporting Party

OCSO – Okanogan County Sheriff’s Officer

DOC – State Department of Corrections

USBP – U.S. Border Patrol

CBP – U.S. Customs and Border Protection

ICE – Immigration and Customs Enforcement