OROVILLE – The Oroville Chamber of Commerce is promising more than just a spectacular pyrotechnics for this year’s Community Fireworks Display at Deep Bay Park.
The day starts at noon with the a canon salute by “our fireworks guys,” with a sulute to follow each hour until the display starts at dark, according to chamber member Leah Palmer, who is helping to organize the expanded event for this year. Also starting at noon there food vendors will offer a variety of choices, including burgers, hotdogs, burritos, barbecued pulled pork, ice cream, granitas, snow cones and more.
From 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Staca Bell from Bug’s Photography will be offering family and individual photo sessions with half of her profits going towards the fireworks fund.
“A great time to take a family picture at the park,” said Palmer.
Starting at 4 p.m. the chamber is asking people parking in the park to donate $5 (or any amount they would be willing to donate) per car. The Explorer Scouts will be collecting donations and helping with security. Some of what is collected will go towards their group.
“Please help us out,” asks Palmer. “Also, we highly suggest car pooling. Consider parking extra cars at Akins/Hughes parking lot.”
Starting at 4 p.m. the three picnic shelters will be reserved for the top three sponsors of the fireworks. These sponsors can chose to use the space or leave them open for others to use. At 7 p.m. the patriotic song contest begins.
“There’s no need to pre-register, just show up. We will have a PA system ready to go,” said Palmer. “So sing it, play it on your instrument or however you want to perform. And any patriotic song is welcome.”
The winner will be performing again a bit later in the evening before the show.
There will be a lighted/decorated boat parade. All those interested, are asked to decorate their boat and meet at Lake Osoyoos Veterans Park to line up at 8:30 p.m. and receive an entry number. Then, just after 9 p.m. the boats will form a parade to and around Deep Bay Park and a prize for the best decorations will be awarded.
Around 10 p.m. the show begins and from Deep Bay you can see the fireworks that Taber’s Copper Mountain Winery sets off just before the community show, she said.
”Please bring your family and friends and enjoy a wonderful day at the park! Happy 4th of July. Hope to see you there,” said Palmer.