Even in the rain and in the dark, the woodcutting contest went on at Tonasket’s Winterfest on Nov. 30. This and other Winterfest activities weren’t slowed by the wet weather. Below are a load of pictures taken by staff photographer Brent Baker during his travels through the Winterfest maze.
Click on the slideshow below to see the rest of our Winterfest pictures!

Zucchini marmalade, anyone? That and many other unique creations were available at the CCC’s holiday bazaar last weekend.

Even in the rain and in the dark, the woodcutting contest went on at Tonasket’s Winterfest on Nov. 30. Contest winners included: 1st Place Adults: Kert Laurent and Juan Castenada, 0:53 2nd Place Adults: Keith Montanye and Jordan Montanye, 1:02 3rd Place Adults: Andy Koehn and Luke Kresek, 1:28 1st Place Kids: Jordan Sackman and Riley Morris, 0:35 2nd Place Kids: Quincy Vassar and Reese Vassar, 0:52 3rd Place Kids: Jayden Griffen and Khemo Neal, 0:54

Cierra Williams and Bud McSpadden join forces to entertain the Winterfest crowd with Christmas carols at Winterfest on Nov. 30.
After a few difficulties getting Christmas lights to turn on Santa Claus exults after finally succeeding and sparing the big Winterfest crowd the disappointment of an unlit Christmas tree.

Santa and Mrs. Claus, as well as Tonasket Rodeo Queen Karlie Henneman and Okanogan County Junior Rodeo Association queen Trinity DeJong, fielded the Christmas gift requests of many of Tonasket’s children.

Tonasket’s three 2013 rodeo queens – (l-r) Breanna Howell (Omak Stampede), Karlie Henneman (Tonasket Founders Day Rodeo) and Trinity DeJong (Okanogan County Junior Rodeo Association) – enjoy the A Cavallo equines at Winterfest on Nov. 30.

Tonasket’s three 2013 rodeo queens – (l-r) Breanna Howell (Omak Stampede), Karlie Henneman (Tonasket Founders Day Rodeo) and Trinity DeJong (Okanogan County Junior Rodeo Association) – enjoy the A Cavallo equines at Winterfest on Nov. 30.

A Cavallo lit up Tonasket’s Winterfest celebration on Friday, Nov. 30, as Quill and Barley Hyde provide horse rides on the massive sculpture for kids (and adults) of all ages.

Quill and Barley Hyde brought out plenty of smiles by providing free horse rides on their massive mobile carousel, A Cavallo.

A plethora of handmade crafts were on sale at the North Valley Hospital Guild’s two concurrent bazaars.

Tonasket’s volunteer firefighters were kept busy providing rides to kids and parents on Tonasket’s fire trucks at Winterfest.

Tom Deebach’s unique creations were available at the North Valley Hospital Guild bazaar, which this year was split between North Valley Assisted Living and the Tonasket Business and Visitor Resource Center.

Omak Stampede Queen Breanna Howell of Tonasket hosted craft and story time at the Tonasket Library during Winterfest on Friday, Nov. 30

The Community Cultural Center of Tonasket hosted its annual bazaar to coincide with Winterfest festivities last weekend.

Christmas Carolers graced the Winterfest crowd with their sounds of cheer at Founders Day Park in Tonasket, Nov. 30.

Ephraim Brown loses himself in his creative sculptures, which were on display (and for sale) at the CCC’s bazaar over the weekend.