Tonasket School District approves new directors' districts

TONASKET – As they are required to by law after each census, the Tonasket School District approved the new boundaries for the directors’ districts during their meeting on Monday, May 23.

Only two of the districts saw a growth in population between the census of 2000 and the census of 2010. For the new district boundaries, contact the district office at (509) 486-2126 or visit the district office.

During this meeting, the board also heard from Tryg Culp regarding the Pacific Northwest Trails Association. Culp said he had more money for workers on the trails this year but stated he was not given any money for the education program so he would be offering employment to ten Tonasket workers this year and would not be running the education program.

The board approved the second readings of Policy 4315 – Regulating of Dangerous Weapons on School Premises and Policy and Procedure 2410 – Graduation Requirements. Police 4315 itself was not approved, as more work is needed on it, but Policy and Procedure 2410, which will reduce the number of credits a graduating senior is required to earn, was approved.

Finally, the board approved their summer meeting dates. They will be meeting on Mondays June 13, June 27, July 25 and August 29 at 7:30 p.m. each night.