OKANOGAN – Okanogan County Public Health (PCPH) and Family Health Centers are reporting the first COVID-19 case has been confirmed in the county. The individual is said to be self-isolated and poses no threat to the community.
As of 5 p.m. on March 24, in Okanogan County, the COVID-19 test results include:
1 Confirmed Case
125 Samples Sent for Testing
78 Negative Test Results
46 Test Results Pending
“OCPH urges the public to take all the recent social distancing orders by Governor Inslee very seriously. It is everyone’s responsibility to protect each other during this pandemic,” said the agency.
They also strongly urge:
Yesterday, Governor Jay Inslee signed a “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order. You can view the complete order at: https://www.governor.wa.gov/office-governor/official-actions/proclamations.
We’ve summarized the key points below:
STAY HOME– except for essential activities such as buying groceries and going to the doctor or pharmacy
NO GATHERINGS– public and private gatherings of any size are banned
CLOSE BUSINESSES– all businesses (except essential business) must close.
It is still safe to go outside for activities like bike rides, gardening, and dog walking as long as you remain at least six feet from each other.
For a list of essential businesses visit: https://bit.ly/39n2ssg
DOH Call Center 1-800-525-0127 Press # after the prompt
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