Barbara Hartman is this years Grand Marshal for the Chesaw Fourth of July Rodeo.
Barb was born 85 years ago in Seattle and went to school through junior high in Molson. She graduated from Snohomish High in 1948, a year later she married Robert Hartman and together they raised their son and three daughters in California while raising meat rabbits. Upon returning to the Seattle area they both worked in a fix-it shop and repaired any and everything and sometimes the impossible, it just took a little longer. Along with that she raised dairy replacement stock including veal for many Seattle Restaurants.
With all of that done they retired, bought a RV and traveled in all directions. Barbara is kind, helpful and a good friend to all. She likes to garden, try a new recipe, her dog and chickens. She loves to quilt and is talented in sewing just about anything and is a member of the Highland Stitchers of Molson.
Barbara lives once again in Chesaw and has for the past 13 years in the old Ruby Wiltz house. Five years ago Barb was awarded the Community Citizens Award for a Non Grange member. The certificate was presented for her outstanding contributions, her willingness to work when ever she is called on.
Barb is now working on the Celebration of a hundred years for the Old Molson School House in Molson, setting up the crafters. I am sure there will be other duties she will accomplish before the celebration is over.
Barb will be escorted by her son Ron Hartman in his MR 2 Toyota. Congratulations, Barbara and Thank You.
This year’s Fourth of July Rodeo events take place on Friday and start at 10 a.m. with the small sports. The parade is at 12:30 p.m. and the rodeo follows at 1 p.m.
The rodeo features two forms of saddle bronc riding this year. Along with the regular saddle broncs, the rodeo has added ranch saddle broncs. Modern day rodeo traces its roots back to bronco riding and busting horses to the saddle. While similar to professional bronc riding, the difference between that and ranch bronc riding is that the cowboys ride using their everyday work saddle, rigged like they were going to go to work on the ranch that morning.
The rodeo also features bareback and cow riding, as well as barrel racing and the Men’s Wild Cow milking. For the kids there’s the Kid’s Calf Scramble.